Amin Ghaziani

Professor | Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities
phone 604 822 2268
location_on AnSo 2325

Ph.D., Northwestern, 2006

M.S., Northwestern, 2002

B.A., Michigan, 1998


Other Affiliations

Co-Editor, Contexts Magazine

Deputy Editor, Mobilization

Faculty Associate, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies

Amin Ghaziani is Professor of Sociology, Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities, and co-editor of Contexts, the public-facing magazine of the American Sociological Association.

Prof. Ghaziani is author or editor of 6 books (published with Polity, Oxford, Chicago, NYU, and Princeton) and 60 academic articles, book chapters, and essays, many of which he has published in top disciplinary and subfield journals.

He has won several awards for this body of work, including a Lambda Literary Award Finalist for Best Book in LGBT Studies; Charles Tilly Honorable Mention Award for Best Book from the Collective Behavior/Social Movements section of the American Sociological Association; Sage Prize for Innovation and Excellence Finalist from the British Sociological Association; Clifford Geertz Honorable Mention Award for Best Article from the Sociology of Culture section; Best Article Award from the Collective Behavior/Social Movements section; Killam Research and Teaching Prizes from UBC; Robert E. Park Honorable Mention Award for Best Book from the Community and Urban Sociology section; and a Distinguished Article Award Honorable Mention from the Sexualities section.

For his research on urban sexualities, Prof. Ghaziani has received academic fellowships and distinctions in the Netherlands (Institute for Advanced Study), Canada (Canada Research Chair), the United States (Princeton Society of Fellows), and the United Kingdom (London School of Economics).

His work is also notable for its public engagement. Prof. Ghaziani has given hundreds of interviews to news outlets in seven different countries. Features have appeared in The New Yorker, American Prospect, and Time magazines; Salon and Slate; BBC Radio 4; Bloomberg Business; CBC Radio; Chicago Tribune; Financial Times; Globe & Mail; The Guardian; Los Angeles Times and New York Times; Vice magazine; Monocle Daily; USA Today; Vox; and Yahoo! News, among others.



Latest News

August 2024

Amy Spring and I examine 2020 U.S. Census data and find that segregation trends for same-sex households has continued to decline. “New Evidence From Census 2020 on the Residential Segregation of Same-Sex Households: A Research Note.”

British Journal of Sociology
July 2024

From colleagues to coeditors and coauthors, I’m delighted to share a new publication with Seth Abrutyn: “Renewal without replication: Expanding Durkheim’s theory of disruptions via queer nightlife.”

Social Problems
June 2024

My graduate student Tori and I advance an interactional framework for studying intersectional identities: “Retheorizing Intersectional Identities with the Study of Chinese LGBTQ+ Migrants.”


Select Publications

Yang, Tori Shucheng* and Amin Ghaziani. 2024. “Retheorizing Intersectional Identities with the Study of Chinese LGBTQ+ Migrants.” Social Problems.

Spring, Amy and Amin Ghaziani. 2024. “New Evidence from Census 2020 on the Residential Segregation of Same-Sex Households: A Research Note.” Demography 61(4): 995-1009.

Ghaziani, Amin and Seth Abrutyn. 2024. “Renewal Without Replication: Expanding Durkheim’s Theory of Disruptions via Queer Nightlife.” British Journal of Sociology.  (open access).

Ghaziani, Amin. 2024. “Emplaced Bars and Episodic Events: Reflections on Nightlife Forms.” Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture 9(2):  (open access).

Ghaziani, Amin and Andy Holmes.* 2023. “Distinguishing But Not Defining: How Ambivalence Affects Contemporary Identity Disclosures.” Theory and Society 52(5): 913-945.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2022. “Belonging in Gay Neighborhoods and Queer Nightlife.” Pp. 540-50 in Seidman, Steven, Nancy Fischer, and Laurel Westbrook (Eds.) Introducing the New Sexuality Studies (4th edition). New York: Routledge.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2021. “People, Protest, and Place: Advancing Research on the Emplacement of LGBTQ+ Urban Activisms.” Urban Studies 58(7): 1529-40.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Culture and the Nighttime Economy: A Conversation with London’s Night Czar and Culture-at-Risk Officer.” Metropolitics 12 November.

Stillwagon, Ryan and Amin Ghaziani. 2019. “Queer Pop-Ups: A Cultural Innovation in Urban Life.” City & Community 18(3): 874-95.

Ghaziani, Amin and Matt Brim (Eds). 2019. Imagining Queer Methods. New York: NYU Press.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Cultural Archipelagos: New Directions in the Study of Sexuality and Space.” City & Community 18(1): 4-22.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Sexual Meanings, Placemaking, and the Urban Imaginary.” Pp. 226-34 (Chapter 24) in John R. Hall, Laura Grindstaff, and Ming-Cheng Lo (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology. New York: Routledge.

Ghaziani, Amin and Kelsy Kretschmer. 2019. “Infighting and Insurrection.” Pp. 220-35 (Chapter 12) in David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly J. McCammon (Eds.) Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2018. “Queer Spatial Analysis.” Pp. 201-215 (Chapter 12) in Compton, D’Lane; Kristen Schilt; and Tey Meadow (Eds.) Other, Please Specify: Queer Methods in Sociology. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Brodyn, Adriana and Amin Ghaziani. 2018. “Performative Progressiveness: Accounting for New Forms of Inequality in the Gayborhood.” City & Community 17(2): 307-29.

Ghaziani, Amin and Ryan Stillwagon. 2018. “Queer Pop-Ups.” Contexts 18(1): 78-80.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2018. “What We Really Mean When We Talk about Acceptance of Gay People.” Los Angeles Times, June 10, p. A25.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2017. “The Closet.” Contexts 16(3): 72-73.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2017. Sex Cultures. Boston: Polity Press.

Brim, Matt and Amin Ghaziani. 2016. “Introduction: Queer Methods.” WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly 44(3-4): 14-27.

Ghaziani, Amin; Verta Taylor; and Amy Stone. 2016. “Cycles of Sameness and Difference in LGBT Social Movements.” Annual Review of Sociology 42:165-83.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “The Radical Potential of Post-Gay Politics in the City: A Reply to Molotch, Deener, Tavory, and Pattillo.” Environment and Planning A 47(11): 2409– 2426. [This article is part of a book symposium on There Goes the Gayborhood?. The essays are based on presentations at an Author Meets Critics session at the 2015 ASA meetings in Chicago.]

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “‘Gay Enclaves Face Prospect of Being Passé’: How Assimilation Affects the Spatial Expressions of Sexuality in the United States.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39(4): 756-771.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “Lesbian Geographies.” Contexts 14(1): 62-64.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “The Queer Metropolis.” Pp. 305-330 in DeLamater, John and Rebecca F. Plante (Eds). Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities. New York: Springer.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2014. There Goes the Gayborhood? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2014. “Measuring Urban Sexual Cultures.” Theory & Society 43(3-4): 371-93.

Mohr, John and Amin Ghaziani. 2014. “Problems and Prospects of Measurement in the Study of Culture.” Theory & Society 43(3-4): 225-46.

Ghaziani, Amin and Delia Baldassarri. 2011. “Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences: A Multi-method Analysis of LGBT Marches on Washington.” American Sociological Review 76(2): 179-206.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2011. “Post-Gay Collective Identity Construction.” Social Problems 58(1): 99-125.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2010. “There Goes the Gayborhood?Contexts 9(3): 64-66.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2009. “An ‘Amorphous Mist’? The Problem of Measurement in the Study of Culture.” Theory & Society 38(6): 581-612.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2008. The Dividends of Dissent: How Conflict and Culture Work in Lesbian and Gay Marches on Washington. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Zuniga, José M., Alan Whiteside, Amin Ghaziani, and John G. Bartlett (Eds.) 2008. A Decade of HAART: The Development and Global Impact of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. New York: Oxford University Press.


Guest of the Director, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, 2022

Visiting Professor, London School of Economics, 2022

Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities (renewed), 2021-2026

Distinguished Article Award (Honorable Mention), Sociology of Sexualities section, ASA (“Queer Pop-Ups: A Cultural Innovation in Urban Life”), 2020

Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics, 2019

Killam Research Prize for Outstanding Research and Scholarly Contributions, 2019

Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics, 2018

Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities, 2016-2021

Robert E. Park Award for Best Book (Honorable Mention)
Community and Urban Sociology section, American Sociological Association (ASA), 2016
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, American Sociological Association, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, Association of American Geographers, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, Canadian Association of Geographers, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Over the Rainbow Book Project List, American Library Association, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Wall Scholar (residential fellowship), Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, 2014

Killam Teaching Prize for Distinguished Instruction, 2014

Best Article Award
Collective Behavior/Social Movements (CBSM) section, ASA
(“Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences”), 2012

Clifford Geertz Best Article Award (Honorable Mention)
Sociology of Culture section, ASA
(“Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences”), 2012

Early Career Scholar, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, 2012

Sage Prize for Innovation and Excellence (Finalist)
British Sociological Association (“The Constraints of Culture”), 2010

Charles Tilly Award for Best Book (Honorable Mention)
CBSM section, ASA (The Dividends of Dissent), 2009

Lambda Literary Award for Best Book in LGBT Studies (Finalist)
Lambda Literary Foundation, (The Dividends of Dissent), 2009

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Princeton Society of Fellows
(5 fellows selected from a pool of 1000 applicants), 2008-2011

Amin Ghaziani

Professor | Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities
phone 604 822 2268
location_on AnSo 2325

Ph.D., Northwestern, 2006

M.S., Northwestern, 2002

B.A., Michigan, 1998


Other Affiliations

Co-Editor, Contexts Magazine

Deputy Editor, Mobilization

Faculty Associate, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies

Amin Ghaziani is Professor of Sociology, Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities, and co-editor of Contexts, the public-facing magazine of the American Sociological Association.

Prof. Ghaziani is author or editor of 6 books (published with Polity, Oxford, Chicago, NYU, and Princeton) and 60 academic articles, book chapters, and essays, many of which he has published in top disciplinary and subfield journals.

He has won several awards for this body of work, including a Lambda Literary Award Finalist for Best Book in LGBT Studies; Charles Tilly Honorable Mention Award for Best Book from the Collective Behavior/Social Movements section of the American Sociological Association; Sage Prize for Innovation and Excellence Finalist from the British Sociological Association; Clifford Geertz Honorable Mention Award for Best Article from the Sociology of Culture section; Best Article Award from the Collective Behavior/Social Movements section; Killam Research and Teaching Prizes from UBC; Robert E. Park Honorable Mention Award for Best Book from the Community and Urban Sociology section; and a Distinguished Article Award Honorable Mention from the Sexualities section.

For his research on urban sexualities, Prof. Ghaziani has received academic fellowships and distinctions in the Netherlands (Institute for Advanced Study), Canada (Canada Research Chair), the United States (Princeton Society of Fellows), and the United Kingdom (London School of Economics).

His work is also notable for its public engagement. Prof. Ghaziani has given hundreds of interviews to news outlets in seven different countries. Features have appeared in The New Yorker, American Prospect, and Time magazines; Salon and Slate; BBC Radio 4; Bloomberg Business; CBC Radio; Chicago Tribune; Financial Times; Globe & Mail; The Guardian; Los Angeles Times and New York Times; Vice magazine; Monocle Daily; USA Today; Vox; and Yahoo! News, among others.



Latest News

August 2024

Amy Spring and I examine 2020 U.S. Census data and find that segregation trends for same-sex households has continued to decline. “New Evidence From Census 2020 on the Residential Segregation of Same-Sex Households: A Research Note.”

British Journal of Sociology
July 2024

From colleagues to coeditors and coauthors, I’m delighted to share a new publication with Seth Abrutyn: “Renewal without replication: Expanding Durkheim’s theory of disruptions via queer nightlife.”

Social Problems
June 2024

My graduate student Tori and I advance an interactional framework for studying intersectional identities: “Retheorizing Intersectional Identities with the Study of Chinese LGBTQ+ Migrants.”


Select Publications

Yang, Tori Shucheng* and Amin Ghaziani. 2024. “Retheorizing Intersectional Identities with the Study of Chinese LGBTQ+ Migrants.” Social Problems.

Spring, Amy and Amin Ghaziani. 2024. “New Evidence from Census 2020 on the Residential Segregation of Same-Sex Households: A Research Note.” Demography 61(4): 995-1009.

Ghaziani, Amin and Seth Abrutyn. 2024. “Renewal Without Replication: Expanding Durkheim’s Theory of Disruptions via Queer Nightlife.” British Journal of Sociology.  (open access).

Ghaziani, Amin. 2024. “Emplaced Bars and Episodic Events: Reflections on Nightlife Forms.” Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture 9(2):  (open access).

Ghaziani, Amin and Andy Holmes.* 2023. “Distinguishing But Not Defining: How Ambivalence Affects Contemporary Identity Disclosures.” Theory and Society 52(5): 913-945.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2022. “Belonging in Gay Neighborhoods and Queer Nightlife.” Pp. 540-50 in Seidman, Steven, Nancy Fischer, and Laurel Westbrook (Eds.) Introducing the New Sexuality Studies (4th edition). New York: Routledge.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2021. “People, Protest, and Place: Advancing Research on the Emplacement of LGBTQ+ Urban Activisms.” Urban Studies 58(7): 1529-40.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Culture and the Nighttime Economy: A Conversation with London’s Night Czar and Culture-at-Risk Officer.” Metropolitics 12 November.

Stillwagon, Ryan and Amin Ghaziani. 2019. “Queer Pop-Ups: A Cultural Innovation in Urban Life.” City & Community 18(3): 874-95.

Ghaziani, Amin and Matt Brim (Eds). 2019. Imagining Queer Methods. New York: NYU Press.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Cultural Archipelagos: New Directions in the Study of Sexuality and Space.” City & Community 18(1): 4-22.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Sexual Meanings, Placemaking, and the Urban Imaginary.” Pp. 226-34 (Chapter 24) in John R. Hall, Laura Grindstaff, and Ming-Cheng Lo (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology. New York: Routledge.

Ghaziani, Amin and Kelsy Kretschmer. 2019. “Infighting and Insurrection.” Pp. 220-35 (Chapter 12) in David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly J. McCammon (Eds.) Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2018. “Queer Spatial Analysis.” Pp. 201-215 (Chapter 12) in Compton, D’Lane; Kristen Schilt; and Tey Meadow (Eds.) Other, Please Specify: Queer Methods in Sociology. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Brodyn, Adriana and Amin Ghaziani. 2018. “Performative Progressiveness: Accounting for New Forms of Inequality in the Gayborhood.” City & Community 17(2): 307-29.

Ghaziani, Amin and Ryan Stillwagon. 2018. “Queer Pop-Ups.” Contexts 18(1): 78-80.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2018. “What We Really Mean When We Talk about Acceptance of Gay People.” Los Angeles Times, June 10, p. A25.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2017. “The Closet.” Contexts 16(3): 72-73.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2017. Sex Cultures. Boston: Polity Press.

Brim, Matt and Amin Ghaziani. 2016. “Introduction: Queer Methods.” WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly 44(3-4): 14-27.

Ghaziani, Amin; Verta Taylor; and Amy Stone. 2016. “Cycles of Sameness and Difference in LGBT Social Movements.” Annual Review of Sociology 42:165-83.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “The Radical Potential of Post-Gay Politics in the City: A Reply to Molotch, Deener, Tavory, and Pattillo.” Environment and Planning A 47(11): 2409– 2426. [This article is part of a book symposium on There Goes the Gayborhood?. The essays are based on presentations at an Author Meets Critics session at the 2015 ASA meetings in Chicago.]

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “‘Gay Enclaves Face Prospect of Being Passé’: How Assimilation Affects the Spatial Expressions of Sexuality in the United States.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39(4): 756-771.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “Lesbian Geographies.” Contexts 14(1): 62-64.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “The Queer Metropolis.” Pp. 305-330 in DeLamater, John and Rebecca F. Plante (Eds). Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities. New York: Springer.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2014. There Goes the Gayborhood? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2014. “Measuring Urban Sexual Cultures.” Theory & Society 43(3-4): 371-93.

Mohr, John and Amin Ghaziani. 2014. “Problems and Prospects of Measurement in the Study of Culture.” Theory & Society 43(3-4): 225-46.

Ghaziani, Amin and Delia Baldassarri. 2011. “Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences: A Multi-method Analysis of LGBT Marches on Washington.” American Sociological Review 76(2): 179-206.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2011. “Post-Gay Collective Identity Construction.” Social Problems 58(1): 99-125.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2010. “There Goes the Gayborhood?Contexts 9(3): 64-66.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2009. “An ‘Amorphous Mist’? The Problem of Measurement in the Study of Culture.” Theory & Society 38(6): 581-612.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2008. The Dividends of Dissent: How Conflict and Culture Work in Lesbian and Gay Marches on Washington. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Zuniga, José M., Alan Whiteside, Amin Ghaziani, and John G. Bartlett (Eds.) 2008. A Decade of HAART: The Development and Global Impact of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. New York: Oxford University Press.


Guest of the Director, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, 2022

Visiting Professor, London School of Economics, 2022

Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities (renewed), 2021-2026

Distinguished Article Award (Honorable Mention), Sociology of Sexualities section, ASA (“Queer Pop-Ups: A Cultural Innovation in Urban Life”), 2020

Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics, 2019

Killam Research Prize for Outstanding Research and Scholarly Contributions, 2019

Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics, 2018

Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities, 2016-2021

Robert E. Park Award for Best Book (Honorable Mention)
Community and Urban Sociology section, American Sociological Association (ASA), 2016
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, American Sociological Association, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, Association of American Geographers, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, Canadian Association of Geographers, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Over the Rainbow Book Project List, American Library Association, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Wall Scholar (residential fellowship), Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, 2014

Killam Teaching Prize for Distinguished Instruction, 2014

Best Article Award
Collective Behavior/Social Movements (CBSM) section, ASA
(“Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences”), 2012

Clifford Geertz Best Article Award (Honorable Mention)
Sociology of Culture section, ASA
(“Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences”), 2012

Early Career Scholar, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, 2012

Sage Prize for Innovation and Excellence (Finalist)
British Sociological Association (“The Constraints of Culture”), 2010

Charles Tilly Award for Best Book (Honorable Mention)
CBSM section, ASA (The Dividends of Dissent), 2009

Lambda Literary Award for Best Book in LGBT Studies (Finalist)
Lambda Literary Foundation, (The Dividends of Dissent), 2009

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Princeton Society of Fellows
(5 fellows selected from a pool of 1000 applicants), 2008-2011

Amin Ghaziani

Professor | Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities
phone 604 822 2268
location_on AnSo 2325

Ph.D., Northwestern, 2006

M.S., Northwestern, 2002

B.A., Michigan, 1998

About keyboard_arrow_down

Other Affiliations

Co-Editor, Contexts Magazine

Deputy Editor, Mobilization

Faculty Associate, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies

Amin Ghaziani is Professor of Sociology, Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities, and co-editor of Contexts, the public-facing magazine of the American Sociological Association.

Prof. Ghaziani is author or editor of 6 books (published with Polity, Oxford, Chicago, NYU, and Princeton) and 60 academic articles, book chapters, and essays, many of which he has published in top disciplinary and subfield journals.

He has won several awards for this body of work, including a Lambda Literary Award Finalist for Best Book in LGBT Studies; Charles Tilly Honorable Mention Award for Best Book from the Collective Behavior/Social Movements section of the American Sociological Association; Sage Prize for Innovation and Excellence Finalist from the British Sociological Association; Clifford Geertz Honorable Mention Award for Best Article from the Sociology of Culture section; Best Article Award from the Collective Behavior/Social Movements section; Killam Research and Teaching Prizes from UBC; Robert E. Park Honorable Mention Award for Best Book from the Community and Urban Sociology section; and a Distinguished Article Award Honorable Mention from the Sexualities section.

For his research on urban sexualities, Prof. Ghaziani has received academic fellowships and distinctions in the Netherlands (Institute for Advanced Study), Canada (Canada Research Chair), the United States (Princeton Society of Fellows), and the United Kingdom (London School of Economics).

His work is also notable for its public engagement. Prof. Ghaziani has given hundreds of interviews to news outlets in seven different countries. Features have appeared in The New Yorker, American Prospect, and Time magazines; Salon and Slate; BBC Radio 4; Bloomberg Business; CBC Radio; Chicago Tribune; Financial Times; Globe & Mail; The Guardian; Los Angeles Times and New York Times; Vice magazine; Monocle Daily; USA Today; Vox; and Yahoo! News, among others.

Teaching keyboard_arrow_down
Research keyboard_arrow_down

Latest News

August 2024

Amy Spring and I examine 2020 U.S. Census data and find that segregation trends for same-sex households has continued to decline. “New Evidence From Census 2020 on the Residential Segregation of Same-Sex Households: A Research Note.”

British Journal of Sociology
July 2024

From colleagues to coeditors and coauthors, I’m delighted to share a new publication with Seth Abrutyn: “Renewal without replication: Expanding Durkheim’s theory of disruptions via queer nightlife.”

Social Problems
June 2024

My graduate student Tori and I advance an interactional framework for studying intersectional identities: “Retheorizing Intersectional Identities with the Study of Chinese LGBTQ+ Migrants.”

Publications keyboard_arrow_down

Select Publications

Yang, Tori Shucheng* and Amin Ghaziani. 2024. “Retheorizing Intersectional Identities with the Study of Chinese LGBTQ+ Migrants.” Social Problems.

Spring, Amy and Amin Ghaziani. 2024. “New Evidence from Census 2020 on the Residential Segregation of Same-Sex Households: A Research Note.” Demography 61(4): 995-1009.

Ghaziani, Amin and Seth Abrutyn. 2024. “Renewal Without Replication: Expanding Durkheim’s Theory of Disruptions via Queer Nightlife.” British Journal of Sociology.  (open access).

Ghaziani, Amin. 2024. “Emplaced Bars and Episodic Events: Reflections on Nightlife Forms.” Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture 9(2):  (open access).

Ghaziani, Amin and Andy Holmes.* 2023. “Distinguishing But Not Defining: How Ambivalence Affects Contemporary Identity Disclosures.” Theory and Society 52(5): 913-945.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2022. “Belonging in Gay Neighborhoods and Queer Nightlife.” Pp. 540-50 in Seidman, Steven, Nancy Fischer, and Laurel Westbrook (Eds.) Introducing the New Sexuality Studies (4th edition). New York: Routledge.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2021. “People, Protest, and Place: Advancing Research on the Emplacement of LGBTQ+ Urban Activisms.” Urban Studies 58(7): 1529-40.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Culture and the Nighttime Economy: A Conversation with London’s Night Czar and Culture-at-Risk Officer.” Metropolitics 12 November.

Stillwagon, Ryan and Amin Ghaziani. 2019. “Queer Pop-Ups: A Cultural Innovation in Urban Life.” City & Community 18(3): 874-95.

Ghaziani, Amin and Matt Brim (Eds). 2019. Imagining Queer Methods. New York: NYU Press.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Cultural Archipelagos: New Directions in the Study of Sexuality and Space.” City & Community 18(1): 4-22.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2019. “Sexual Meanings, Placemaking, and the Urban Imaginary.” Pp. 226-34 (Chapter 24) in John R. Hall, Laura Grindstaff, and Ming-Cheng Lo (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology. New York: Routledge.

Ghaziani, Amin and Kelsy Kretschmer. 2019. “Infighting and Insurrection.” Pp. 220-35 (Chapter 12) in David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly J. McCammon (Eds.) Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2018. “Queer Spatial Analysis.” Pp. 201-215 (Chapter 12) in Compton, D’Lane; Kristen Schilt; and Tey Meadow (Eds.) Other, Please Specify: Queer Methods in Sociology. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Brodyn, Adriana and Amin Ghaziani. 2018. “Performative Progressiveness: Accounting for New Forms of Inequality in the Gayborhood.” City & Community 17(2): 307-29.

Ghaziani, Amin and Ryan Stillwagon. 2018. “Queer Pop-Ups.” Contexts 18(1): 78-80.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2018. “What We Really Mean When We Talk about Acceptance of Gay People.” Los Angeles Times, June 10, p. A25.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2017. “The Closet.” Contexts 16(3): 72-73.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2017. Sex Cultures. Boston: Polity Press.

Brim, Matt and Amin Ghaziani. 2016. “Introduction: Queer Methods.” WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly 44(3-4): 14-27.

Ghaziani, Amin; Verta Taylor; and Amy Stone. 2016. “Cycles of Sameness and Difference in LGBT Social Movements.” Annual Review of Sociology 42:165-83.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “The Radical Potential of Post-Gay Politics in the City: A Reply to Molotch, Deener, Tavory, and Pattillo.” Environment and Planning A 47(11): 2409– 2426. [This article is part of a book symposium on There Goes the Gayborhood?. The essays are based on presentations at an Author Meets Critics session at the 2015 ASA meetings in Chicago.]

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “‘Gay Enclaves Face Prospect of Being Passé’: How Assimilation Affects the Spatial Expressions of Sexuality in the United States.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39(4): 756-771.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “Lesbian Geographies.” Contexts 14(1): 62-64.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2015. “The Queer Metropolis.” Pp. 305-330 in DeLamater, John and Rebecca F. Plante (Eds). Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities. New York: Springer.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2014. There Goes the Gayborhood? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2014. “Measuring Urban Sexual Cultures.” Theory & Society 43(3-4): 371-93.

Mohr, John and Amin Ghaziani. 2014. “Problems and Prospects of Measurement in the Study of Culture.” Theory & Society 43(3-4): 225-46.

Ghaziani, Amin and Delia Baldassarri. 2011. “Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences: A Multi-method Analysis of LGBT Marches on Washington.” American Sociological Review 76(2): 179-206.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2011. “Post-Gay Collective Identity Construction.” Social Problems 58(1): 99-125.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2010. “There Goes the Gayborhood?Contexts 9(3): 64-66.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2009. “An ‘Amorphous Mist’? The Problem of Measurement in the Study of Culture.” Theory & Society 38(6): 581-612.

Ghaziani, Amin. 2008. The Dividends of Dissent: How Conflict and Culture Work in Lesbian and Gay Marches on Washington. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Zuniga, José M., Alan Whiteside, Amin Ghaziani, and John G. Bartlett (Eds.) 2008. A Decade of HAART: The Development and Global Impact of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Awards keyboard_arrow_down

Guest of the Director, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, 2022

Visiting Professor, London School of Economics, 2022

Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities (renewed), 2021-2026

Distinguished Article Award (Honorable Mention), Sociology of Sexualities section, ASA (“Queer Pop-Ups: A Cultural Innovation in Urban Life”), 2020

Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics, 2019

Killam Research Prize for Outstanding Research and Scholarly Contributions, 2019

Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics, 2018

Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities, 2016-2021

Robert E. Park Award for Best Book (Honorable Mention)
Community and Urban Sociology section, American Sociological Association (ASA), 2016
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, American Sociological Association, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, Association of American Geographers, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Author Meets Critic, Canadian Association of Geographers, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Over the Rainbow Book Project List, American Library Association, 2015
(There Goes the Gayborhood?)

Wall Scholar (residential fellowship), Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, 2014

Killam Teaching Prize for Distinguished Instruction, 2014

Best Article Award
Collective Behavior/Social Movements (CBSM) section, ASA
(“Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences”), 2012

Clifford Geertz Best Article Award (Honorable Mention)
Sociology of Culture section, ASA
(“Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences”), 2012

Early Career Scholar, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, 2012

Sage Prize for Innovation and Excellence (Finalist)
British Sociological Association (“The Constraints of Culture”), 2010

Charles Tilly Award for Best Book (Honorable Mention)
CBSM section, ASA (The Dividends of Dissent), 2009

Lambda Literary Award for Best Book in LGBT Studies (Finalist)
Lambda Literary Foundation, (The Dividends of Dissent), 2009

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Princeton Society of Fellows
(5 fellows selected from a pool of 1000 applicants), 2008-2011