Sylvia Anne Fuller
Research Area
Ph.D., Rutgers University
M.A. Dalhousie university
B.A. Simon Fraser University
Izaak Walton Killam and SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (York University and University of British Columbia)
Sylvia Fuller is a Professor of Sociology at the University of British Columbia. Her research focuses primarily on understanding how entrenched patterns of inequality in the labour market develop and erode, and in the implications of changing employment relations for workers’ prospects for security and mobility.
Dr. Fuller has published extensively on the relationship between gender, parental status, and labour market inequalities in top Sociology journals including The American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Gender and Society, Journal of Marriage and Family, Work and Occupations, and Work, Employment and Society. She has also published research on temporary workers’ employment and wage trajectories, factors shaping the career pathways of new immigrants, and the impact of welfare reforms on lone mothers, among other topics. She is currently collaborating on a multi-partner project on Canadian work-family policies that includes research on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment gaps between mothers and fathers. Her research on this topic has been published in the journals Canadian Public Policy and Gender and Society.
Dr. Fuller has received numerous academic honours and prizes including the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada’s Aurora Prize, which recognizes “an outstanding new scholar who is building a reputation for exciting and original research in the social sciences or humanities”. More recently, she was awarded the 2016 best article prize by the Canadian Sociological Association, and was nominated for the 2018 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family research.
Dr. Fuller is the Academic Director of the British Columbia Inter-University Research Data Centres. The BCIRDC operates a network of secure labs that facilitate academic and community researchers’ access to the most sensitive Statistics Canada data. It is part of the Canadian Research Data Centres Network (CRDCN), a partnership between Statistics Canada and a consortium of Canadian Universities.
Work and Labour, Inequality, Gender, Social Policy
google scholar profile
Recent Publications
*happy to provide free copies of all publications on request.
Fuller, Sylvia and Qian, Yue. 2021. “Parenthood, Gender, and the Risks and Consequences of Job Loss.” Social Forces.
Fuller, Sylvia and Qian, Yue. 2021. “COVID-19 and the Gender Gap in Employment Among Parents of Young Children in Canada”. Gender & Society 35 (2), 206-217
Treleaven, Christina and Sylvia Fuller. 2021. “BB see: Transparency Legislation and Public Discussions of Wage Inequality”. Canadian Review of Sociology 58(1): 7-24.
Qian, Yue, and Sylvia Fuller. 2020. “COVID-19 and the Gender Employment Gap among Parents of Young Children.” Canadian Public Policy 46 (S2): S89-S101.
Hirsh, C. Elizabeth Hirsh, Christina Treleavin, and Sylvia Fuller “Caregivers, Gender, and the Law: An Analysis of Family Responsibility Discrimination” Gender and Society 34(5): 760-789
Antonini, Matteo, Pullman, Ashley, Sylvia Fuller and Lesley Andres (2020) “Pre-and Postpartum Employment Patterns: Comparing Leave Policy Reform in Canada and Switzerland” Community, Work & Family: DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2020.1752620.
Wu, Cary, Sylvia Fuller, Zhilei Shi and Rima Wilkes (2020) “The Gender Gap in Commenting: Women are relatively less likely than men to comment on (men’s) published research” PLOS-ONE 15(4).
Stecy-Hildebrant, Natasha, Sylvia Fuller and Alisyn Burns (2019) “‘Bad’ Jobs in a ‘Good’ Sector: Examining the Employment Outcomes of Temporary Work in the Canadian Public Sector”, Work, Employment and Society 33(4): 560-579.
Fuller, Sylvia and C. Elizabeth Hirsh (2019) “‘Family Friendly’ Jobs and Motherhood Career Penalties: The Impact of Flexible Work Arrangements Across the Educational Spectrum“. Work and Occupations. 46(1): 3-44.
Fuller, Sylvia, and Lynne Prince Cooke (2018) “Workplace Variation in Fatherhood Wage Premiums: Do Formalization and Performance Pay Matter?” Work, Employment, and Society 32(4): 768-788
Cooke, Lynne Prince, and Sylvia Fuller. (2018) “Class Differences in Between- versus Within-Firm Net Fatherhood Wage Premiums: Insights from Canada” Journal of Marriage and Family. 80(3): 737-751
Fuller, Sylvia (2018) “Segregation across Workplaces and the Motherhood Wage Gap: Why do Mothers Work in Low-Wage Establishments?” Social Forces 96(4): 1443-1476.
Fuller, Sylvia, and Lynn Prince Cooke (2018) “Workplace Variation in Fatherhood Wage Premiums: Do Formalization and Performance Pay Matter?” Work, Employment and Society, 32(4): 768-788
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