- Achievement
- Alumni
- Announcements
- Faculty
- Health and Wellness
- Honours Feature
- In the Media
- Job Opportunities
- Pets of Sociology
- Research
- Students
- Environment and Community
- Family & Life Course
- Race, Ethnicity & Migration
- Sex, Gender & Sexuality
- Sociology of Health
- Sociology Pedagogy
- 2019 Trailblazer
- 2020 graduates
- 2021 spring
- Abubakar Khan
- academia
- Academic Freedom
- Achievement
- Across Oceans of Law.
- activism
- Adalynn Mai
- Adam Vanzella-Yang
- Adam Yang
- Adriana Bordyn
- Adriana Brodyn
- AI
- Aida Ardelean
- alberta
- Alec Wilson
- Alex Chow
- Alexis Walker Award
- Allison Laing
- Allison Pugh
- alumna
- Alumni
- Alumni Profile
- Alyssa Alexander
- Alyy Patel
- Amanda Araba Ocran Memorial Award
- Amanda Cheong
- Amanda R Cheong
- American Sociological Association
- Amin Ghaziani
- Aming Ghaziani
- amira hal
- Amira Halperin
- Amy Hanser
- Amy Zeng
- ancestry tests
- Andrew Jorgenson
- Andy Holmes
- Angus Reid Practitioner
- Animalia
- Anna Zajacova
- Anne Martin Mathews
- Anne Martin-Matthews
- announcements
- Annual Sociology Undergraduate Research Conference
- Anti-Asian hate
- Anti-Asian Racism
- Anupriya Dasgupta
- Anushka Samarawickrama
- Applied Sociology Award
- arlie hochschild
- Artificial intelligence
- Arts
- Arts Graduate Research Award
- Aryan Karimi
- Asian American studies
- Asian Heritage Month
- Astronauts
- Award
- Awards
- baby
- Barnini Bhattacharyya
- bc
- BC Centre on Substance Use
- BC Studies
- BC Studies Prize
- BC Today
- Becki Ross
- Beth Hirsh
- Black and Brown youth
- Black Lives Matter
- Blackface
- Blossom Cheng
- book
- book award
- Book Review
- Brent Holmes
- British Columbia
- British Columbia Coastal GasLink Pipeline
- British Columbia Historical Federation
- British Cosmopolitan
- British imperialism
- Broke and Patriotic
- burnaby
- Bus
- business
- Business in Vancouver
- Caitlin Chong
- Canada
- Canadian imperialism
- Canadian Sociological Association
- Carbon emissions
- career guide
- Carly Hamdon
- Carol Matusicky
- Carrie Yodanis
- Castro
- catherine corrigal-brown
- Catherine Corrigall-Brown
- cbc kids
- CBC Radio
- celebration
- Chelsea Freeborn
- China
- circular economy
- citizenship
- City and Community
- City & Community
- city hall
- City studio
- Citynews
- CityStudio Vancouver
- Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
- class inquality
- Clayton Childress
- climate
- Climate activism
- climate change
- Climate crisis
- Climate Emergency
- Climate & Society Lab
- Climate Strike
- co-op
- Coastal Pipeline
- colliers
- colonial history
- Colter Uscola
- Communication
- conference
- Conor Trahar
- Constant Wonder radio
- consumerism
- consumption
- Contexts Magazine
- convoy
- Cooking
- COP28
- Corona Virus
- coronavirus
- course
- courses
- Covid
- COVID-19
- covid-19 & Society
- covid19
- criminalzation
- crowds
- CTV News
- Cultural Archipelagoes
- cultural archipelagos
- cultural signals
- culture
- D. Kyle Sutherland
- Dan Prisk
- Daniel Hwang
- d'arcy island
- Dating
- Dave Tindall
- David Tindall
- Decade
- Department Highlights
- Devon Wong
- dinner
- dinner party
- discrimination
- Displacement
- Distinguished Speaker Series
- diversity
- DNA Testing
- dogs
- donald trump
- Doug Ford
- Dr. Seth Abruty
- Dr. Sylvia Fuller
- Drug decriminalization
- News
- Eating at Home
- Election
- eligibility
- elite
- elizabeth hirsch
- elizabeth hirsh
- Ella Kim
- Ella Kim-Marriott
- Emile Durkheim
- Emilia Heliakka
- Emily Huddart
- Emily Huddart Kennedy
- Emily Ismailzai
- Emily Lam
- Emily Truong-Cheung
- emotion
- employment
- Engadget
- Engage Sociology
- Environment
- Environment Community & Social
- environmental activism
- Erica Mildner
- Erika Summers-Effler
- Ervin Wong
- Ethan Raker
- Ethan Shapiro
- ethical
- Ethical Eating
- ethical food
- ethics
- Events
- exam
- exclusion
- expert
- extinction rebellion
- Faces of Today
- Faculty
- Faculty Feature
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty. UBC News
- Faculy Feature
- families
- Family
- family cooking
- Family Home
- Family Life
- family meals
- Family Relations
- Family Studies
- Family Theories
- Family Theory
- fans
- fellowship
- Find Your Anchor
- fine food
- First nations
- Food
- food insecurity
- food stamps
- Francesco Duina
- Frankly
- Fundraiser
- GasLink Pipeline
- gay stereotypes
- Gayborhood
- Gaybourhood
- Gender
- Gender Bias
- gender discrimination
- gender gap
- gender inequality
- gender relations
- Gender & Sexuality
- Gender wage gap
- Georg Simmel
- Georgia Straight
- Gerry Veenstra
- Gig Economy
- gillian creese
- Global News
- Go Global
- Grace Gletsu
- grad student
- graduate
- graduation
- grant
- GRAVY Podcast
- Greta Thunberg
- guardian
- Guillermina Jasso
- Guoliang Zhang
- Guppy Undergraduate Excellence in Sociology Fund
- guy stecklov
- Hal Kowalewski
- Hallsian Perspective
- Hampton New Faculty Grant
- Hannah Wohl
- happy every after?
- harassment
- Harlan Pruden
- harvard business review
- Hazel Hollingdale
- Health
- health and wellness
- Health & Healthcare
- Heritage BC
- history
- Home Cooking
- Homeland Politics
- Hong Kong
- Honours program
- housekeeping
- housing
- Housing Crisis
- Howard Ramos
- HSBC Emerging Leader Scholarship
- Hubbub conference
- Huffington Post
- Hugh Knapp
- Hyun Been Cho
- I
- identity
- Imagining Queer Methods
- immigrant
- In the media
- income
- Indigenous
- Indigenous Rights
- Inequality
- Inequlaity
- International Sociological Association
- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
- interracial marriage
- interracial relationships
- Interview
- Irene Bloemraad
- Isaku Kawamura
- Jacqueline Shen
- James J Ponzetti
- James Ponzetti
- James White
- Jamie Lee Hamilton
- Jane Sell
- Jasmin Acuña
- Jenna Van Draanen
- Jennifer Adkins
- Jennifer Berdahl
- Jennifer Vincent
- Jezebel
- Jiaxin Gu
- Job Opportunity
- Job Posting
- Jody Wilson-Raybould
- Joyce Shen
- Julia Goldman-Hasbun
- Kailey Peckford
- Kaitlyn Jaffe
- Karl Marx
- Kaspar Naegele
- Kate Lewis
- Katherine Brearley Arts Scholarship
- Katherine Lyon
- Kathryn McConnell
- Katie McConnell
- Kayonne Christy
- Kelsea Perry
- Kennedy Stewart
- Kennedy Wong
- Kerry Greer
- Killam
- Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
- Killam Mentoring Prize
- Killam Research Prize
- Killam teaching prize
- Kimberly Huyser
- Knowledge Culture & Power
- Kogila Moodley
- komagata maru
- Kritika Joshi
- Kyara Liu
- Kyle D. Sutherland
- Kyle Sutherland
- labor
- labour
- Labour Law
- Lara Antebi
- Laura Nelson
- leaning
- Learning Exchange
- Lecturer
- Leora Courtney-Wolfman
- Letta Page
- Life Under Pressure
- Lily Ivanova
- Lindsey Richardson
- Lisa Richlen
- Long Live Queer Nightlife
- Love
- loved ones
- Lujan Ferreira
- Lyndsie Plowman
- maclean's
- Maëlle Richard
- Makena Zimmerman
- Making Sociology Matter
- Manlin Cai
- Maria Lee.
- Marina Adshade
- Maritime Noon with Bob Murphy
- Mark Shakespear
- marriage
- Martha Foschi
- Martha Foschi Award
- Masculinity
- Mass shooting
- Matador Network
- Matja-Leena Corbett
- Matt Brim
- Max Chewinski
- Max Weber
- Meals
- Media
- Media Feature
- Melinda Trinh
- Mental Health
- #MeToo
- Michaela Montaner
- Michela Musto
- Migrants
- Migration
- Migration Social Identities and Regionalism within the Caribbean Community
- Milennials
- Militarization
- Miu Chung Yan
- Monorme Chaudhury
- Mosaic
- Mother
- Mother Jones.
- Mother Jones podcast
- Museum of Vancouver
- Nathan Lauster
- Nathan Shen
- Nathanael Lauster
- National Council on Family Relations
- national review
- naturalization
- Naz Tavakolizadeh
- NBA Finals
- Neda Magbouleh
- Neda Maghbouleh
- Neighbourhood
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neil Guppy
- Neil McLaughlin
- neuroscience
- new course
- New faculty
- New release
- New York Times
- News
- Newsletter
- Nichole Goh
- Nick Matsuba
- Nicolas Viens
- Nicole Malette
- Noor Sandhawalia
- Northwestern BC
- Oakland
- obesity
- oil and gas pipeline
- On the Coast
- One Percent
- online class
- online classes
- online course
- online dating
- online learning
- OnTask
- Op-ed
- oppression
- Oral Robinson
- Order of Canada
- outreach event
- Overdose
- overdoses
- Pacific Sociological Association
- Pacific Standard Magazine
- pandemic
- panel discussion
- Parental expectations
- Parker Muzzerall
- Patara McKeen
- peer advice
- Pengcheng Fang
- pets
- pets of sociology
- PhD
- PhD Student
- Phyllis Johnson
- Pipe line
- Pipeline
- podcast
- Policy-making
- political literacy
- politics
- Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
- pregnancy
- PrEP
- PrEP4Love
- Presentation
- Pressure Cooker
- pride
- Progressive Politics
- Protest
- Protests
- public assistance
- Public Scholar
- Public Scholar Initiative
- Public Scholars Fund
- Public Transit
- Publication
- Qian
- Qiang Fu
- Qualitative Methods
- quarantine
- queer
- Queer Pop-up
- Queer Pop-ups
- queer theory
- Queer Urbanism
- queerbaiting
- race
- race and sexuality
- Race Ethnicity & Immigration
- Race Ethnicity & Migration
- Racism
- rafael wainer
- Reconciliation
- Reda El Maazi
- Refinery29
- refugees
- Relationship
- relationships
- Renisa Mawani
- Representation
- Research
- research assistants union
- research project
- Rima Wilkes
- Rima Wilks
- robin pitman
- robyn pitman
- Rose Xueqing Zhang
- Russell Sage Foundation
- Ryan Jamula
- Ryan Stillwagon
- Saara Rajan
- Sabrina Moshenko
- Sabrina Strings
- Safe Spaces
- Saige
- Sandy Yen
- Sarah Brayne
- Sarah Eaton
- scholar strike
- Scholarship
- scholarships
- school lunch
- School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
- sean lauer
- semester
- Seth Abrutyn
- sex
- Sex Work
- Sexism
- Sexuality
- Silvia Bartolic
- Simons Award
- Sinikka Elliott
- Siqi Xiao
- Soccer
- social movement theory
- Social Movements
- Society
- Sociology
- Sociology Alumni
- Sociology of Health
- Sociology Undergraduate Research Conference
- Sojourners
- Sonali Patel
- Sophie Liu
- South Korea
- Space
- Space Culture
- spanish banks
- Splinter
- Sports
- SSHRC Fellowship
- Star Vancouver
- States and Nations Power and Civility
- Stefano Gulmanelli
- Stephanie Jiang
- Stephen Quinn
- Storyteller challenge
- student activism
- student advice
- Student Leadership Conference
- Students
- Suburbs
- suicide
- suicide contagion
- suicide intervention
- suicide prevention
- suki xiao
- summer online
- Summer Term 1
- summer term two
- Sylvia Berryman
- Sylvia Fuller
- systemic racism
- Taekyeong Goh
- Talks
- Tanya Kuhn
- Technology
- Teodora Marie Rawsthorne Eckmyn
- Terrell Carver
- The Atlantic
- The Conversation
- The International Journal of Sport and Society
- The Star Vancouver
- The Tyee
- Theory Construction and Research Methodology
- Think Sociology
- Thomas Kemple
- Tom Einhorn
- Tom Kemple
- Tony Silva
- Tori Yang
- tourism
- Traffic Pollution
- Trans Mountain
- Trans Mountain Pipeline
- Transnational Identity
- Tristan Nkoghe
- Trudeau
- Truvada
- UBC Arts
- UBC graduate student
- UBC International Community Award
- UBC Library
- UBC Migration
- UBC News
- UBC Press
- UBC professor
- UBC professor emerita
- UBC Sociology
- UBC Sociology Undergraduate Research Conference 2021
- Ukraine
- Umay Kader
- undergrads
- Undergraduate
- undergraduate course
- Undergraduate News
- undocumented immigration
- Universal Income
- University Affairs
- Updates
- Urban Ethnographic Field School
- Urban Sociology
- Vaccination
- Vahid Rashidi
- Vancouver
- Vancouver Sun
- Vanessa Watts
- Veronica Cho
- Vienna
- Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences
- Violence and Society Research Cluster
- Violence & Society
- Vivian Truong
- Voices of Caribbean People
- Vox
- wage gap
- wall street journal
- Waverly Duck
- webinar
- welcome
- Wendy Roth
- Wesbrook Scholar
- Wet'suwet'en
- Wet'suwet'en Territory
- where are you from?
- White Helmets
- Whole30
- winter term 2
- women
- women in the workplace
- Women's Representation
- Work
- Work Economy & Globalization
- workforce
- Working-class
- working from home
- Workplace
- workplace discrimination
- Workplace Harassment
- WOSU Public
- wuhan
- xueqing zhang
- Yale Fox International Fellowship
- Yasmin Koop-Monteiro
- Yellow Vest
- Yifei Yu
- Yijia Zhang
- youth
- Youth Trauma
- Yue
- Yue Qian
- Yvonne Liang
- Zero Waste
- Zijia Zhang
- ziya tong
- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
Displaying results "Ervin Wong" — 1 of 1 results
Research, Students
PhD candidate Yijia Zhang wins AoIR's 2024 Student Paper Award
September 17, 2024

Congratulations to 2021 Louise Johnson Scholar recipient Kayonne Christy!
August 3, 2021

In the Media
Why you shouldn't ask people how they got their COVID-19 shot before you
April 20, 2021

In the Media
Prof. David Tindall on Long-Term Effects of Coastal Pipeline Protests
February 18, 2020

In the Media
Prof. Rima Wilkes Weighs in on Call-Out Culture and Shaming in the CBC
November 1, 2019

In the Media
Prof. David Tindall Mentioned in Vancouver Sun on The 'Power of Greta'
October 25, 2019

In the Media, Research
Prof. Sinikka Elliott co-authors op-ed in the New York Times
November 3, 2018

In the Media
Prof. Amin Ghaziani and Grad Student Adge Brodyn in the Georgia Straight
April 23, 2018

In the Media
Research by Prof. Gerry Veenstra is featured in a Digital Journal article.
May 30, 2017

In the Media
Killam Research Award Winners: Prof. Rima Wilkes and Prof. Wendy Roth
February 20, 2017

In the Media
UBC graduate student Adam Howe publishes op-ed in The Georgia Straight
December 2, 2016

In the Media
Graduate Student Adam Vanzella-Yang publishes op-ed in Georgia Strait
November 17, 2016

In the Media
Prof. Amin Ghaziani in the Georgia Straight, Salon, and Los Angeles Times
July 29, 2015

In the Media
2014-2015: Call for "Award Nominations" in the Department of Sociology
January 12, 2015