UBC Sociology is announcing new sections and increased class sizes for our Summer Term 2 Sociology and Family Studies online courses.
Please look below for classes with new sections and expanded class sizes, which will run at the same time as the other section.
Note: Each course will offer two sections taught at the same time by one instructor:
FMST 312-901 and FMST 312-902 (Parent-Child Relationships)
Instructor: Maria Weatherby
SOCI 102-901 and SOCI 102-902 (Inequality & Social Change)
Instructor: Chris Mackenzie
SOCI 302-901 and SOCI 302-902 (Ethnic & Racial Inequality)
Instructor: David Ryniker
SOCI 303-901 and SOCI 303-902 (Sociology of Migration)
Instructor: David Ryniker
SOCI 352-901 and SOCI 352-902 (Organization of Work)
Instructor: Dan Small
SOCI 371-901 and SOCI 371-921 (Classical Theory)
Instructor: Craig Meadows
SOCI 387-901 and SOCI 387-902 (Drugs & Society)
Instructor: Dan Small
We will be increasing the size of FMST 210-901 (Family Context of Human Development) to 150 seats.
FMST 316-901 Human Sexuality
Tues & Thur
9 am – 1 pm
Instructor: Brandy Wiebe
Please double-check on the SSC to confirm class availability and email your appropriate academic advisor should you have any additional questions.