Pets of Sociology: Buddy

Introducing Professor Emily Huddart’s 5 year-old Labradoodle Buddy.

First Thing You Notice About Me

Buddy LOVES people! If you look interested in him, he will probably run over to you and encourage you to scratch him and pat him. I will do my best to keep him from jumping up on anyone!

Favourite Things

Buddy’s great joy in life, other than people, is chasing a ball.

A friend brought Buddy a present when she came to visit – a rubber chicken! Within the day, Buddy had unfortunately chewed its head off, but he still loved to play with the chicken. The next time she came to visit, she brought him a new one and we were hoping it would stay intact a bit longer. But he chewed its head off too! That was Buddy’s last rubber chicken.

Something You Don’t Know About Me

Buddy’s best dog friends are our neighbour’s dogs, Muffet and Daejong.

Since Buddy is part lab and part poodle, I thought he would love swimming, but he is not a big fan of the water! He happily goes up to his ankles or lies down in a shallow pond, but you won’t catch him swimming.