Prof. Amin Ghaziani Receives two ‘Top Cited Articles of 2018-19’ Awards from Wiley Publishing

Congratulations to Professor Amin Ghaziani for receiving two “Top Cited Article, 2018-2019” awards from Wiley publishing . His articles, Performative Progressiveness: Accounting for New Forms of Inequality in the Gayborhood (co-Authored with doctoral student Adriana Brodyn) and Cultural Archipelagos: New Directions in the Study of Sexuality and Space were both published in City & Community – making them both among the top cited articles from that journal.

Performative Progressiveness looks at the co-occurrence of progressive mindsets and homonegative actions among straight residents of urban gay districts. Brodyn and Ghaziani describe the subtle forms that discrimination takes in a contemporary context of increasing acceptance and integration. Prof. Ghaziani’s second publication, Cultural Archipelagos, is part of a special symposium on queer urbanisms. In the article, he describes the diversity of queer spaces, particularly the forms they take beyond big city gaybourhoods.

For more information about Amin Ghaziani and his work here at UBC Sociology, and beyond, click here.