Dr. Dr. Dr. Catherine Corrigall-Brown
We are thrilled to announce Dr. Catherine Corrigall-Brown has been appointed as the incoming Head of the Department of Sociology. She will start her three-year term on July 1, 2022.
Dr. Catherine Corrigall-Brown’s research focuses on participation in social movements, coalitions, and framing. This research has appeared in journals such as Social Forces, Sociological Perspectives, the International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Social Movement Studies, and Mobilization. Her first book, Patterns of Protest: Trajectories of Participation in Social Movements (Stanford University Press, 2012), examines the factors that keep activists engaged in social movements over time. Her forthcoming book, Keeping the March Alive: How Social Movements Can Thrive Anywhere (New York University Press) focuses on organizational survival and how local context shapes mobilization. In recognition of these research contributions, she received the Early Investigator Research Award from the Canadian Sociological Association in 2013. She is an award-winning teacher, receiving the Killam teaching prize in 2018. She also currently serves on two major editorial boards (Social Problems and Mobilization) and has served as a Chair of a research section at the American Sociological Association.