Home/Events/Martha Foschi Honorary Lecture 2022: Dr. Jane Sell
Martha Foschi Honorary Lecture 2022: Dr. Jane Sell
Tuesday October 25, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
UBC Sociology presents the Martha Foschi Honorary Lecture 2022, part of the Distinguished Speaker Series. This year’s speaker Dr. Jane Sell will present her talk titled, “Racial/Ethnic Discrimination: Questions and (Some) Answers from Experimental Social Psychology.”
This event will be hosted in ANSO 134 and remotely via Zoom. There will also be a reception in the Lino Lounge after the talk.
Dr. Jane Sell reports on decades of social psychological research directed to determining how race/ethnicity operates in small groups. We know that discrimination within groups is affected by outside forces and then reproduced within groups. In this way, discrimination is perpetuated and strengthened. But we also know that interventions can occur, decrease discrimination, and also be perpetuated. In this lecture, Dr. Sell discusses some of these group interventions, their theoretical rationale, and the evidence supporting them. She also considers implementation issues: What are some problems with implementation and what might be some solutions?
Dr. Jane Sell
More about Dr. Jane Sell:
Jane Sell is a Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M University. Her research interests include the development and decay of cooperation in social dilemmas and how different factors affect racial/ethnic equality within small groups. She is also interested in the interdependence between theory and methodology. Together with Murray Webster, Jr. she has considered the role of experimental research for the social sciences in their edited book, Murray Webster, Jr. and Jane Sell, Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences, 2014, Elsevier. At Texas A&M University, she received a Cornerstone Fellowship Award and the Fallon Endowed Lectureship (with Melanie Hawthorne). She was awarded the Cooley-Mead Career Award in Social Psychology from the Social Psychology section of the American Sociological Association in 2017.