Harvey Krahn (University of Alberta)
Talk is from 11:00-12:30. Reception to follow. Please RSVP: soci.events@ubc.ca
“Tracking Generation X: Insights and Findings from the Edmonton Transitions Study”
Abstract: The Edmonton Transitions Study (ETS) has tracked a cohort of high school seniors for 32 years (1985 – 2017), from late adolescence to early midlife (age 18 to 50), with eight waves of data collection. In his review of selected ETS findings, Dr. Krahn will discuss the value of longitudinal research for addressing complex sociological research questions, the interpretative insights offered by a life course theoretical perspective, and the experience of working with an inter-disciplinary research team. –
In honour of Kaspar Naegele, the first Dean of the Faculty of Arts and a leading sociologist of his day, the Department of Sociology regularly holds the Kaspar Naegele Memorial Lecture. The lecturer also meets individually with faculty and graduate students to provide advice and support. Naegele was a co-editor (with Talcott Parsons, Edward Shils and Jesse Pitts) of Theories of Society, a collection of classical readings in sociological theory. In 1961 he also co-edited, with Bernard Blishen, Frank Jones and John Porter, the first Canadian collection of sociological articles, Canadian Society. The accumulated royalties from that book were endowed and the earnings continue to fund the Kaspar Naegele Memorial Lecture. –
The Kaspar Naegele Memorial Prize in Sociology and the Kaspar Naegele Memorial Lectureship celebrate Kaspar Naegele’s profound impact on the lives and careers of his students and colleagues during his time at the University of British Columbia. Prof. Naegele joined UBC in 1954, and his work in the following decade earned him a global reputation as a leading sociologist. When he was appointed the first Dean of the Faculty of Arts in 1964, Prof. Naegele put his ideas about education reform into practice. Considering his wealth of achievements at UBC, he is most fondly remembered for his teaching. Beyond delivering lectures, Prof. Naegele showed compassion for his students and was one of the most valued professors. We hope to continue growing the endowments for this lecture and the student award that honours Prof. Naegele. Gifts to these funds can be made by visiting the following links:
Kaspar Naegele Memorial Lectureship http://support.ubc.ca/naegele-lecture
Kaspar Naegele Memorial Prize in Sociology http://support.ubc.ca/naegele-prize