PhD Candidate Mark Shakespear
Congratulations to UBC Sociology PhD student Mark Shakespear, who has won a Killam Doctoral Scholarship. The scholarships are provided annually from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies. These are the most prestigious graduate awards available at UBC and are awarded to the top doctoral candidates in the annual Tri-Agency Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGSD-D) and UBC Affiliated Fellowship competition. The scholarships include a stipend of up to $30,000 per annum for two years and a $2,000 allowance for research-related travel during the 24 months of the scholarship.
Mark’s research focuses on the political ecology of climate change and energy transitions. His dissertation will examine the social and discourse networks of policy actors participating in negotiations at the annual international climate change conference (COP). Drawing on Twitter posts of participants, and policy documents produced at COP, he will analyze discourse coalitions/conflict surrounding pertinent issues, while comparing the views and types of actors that are/n’t represented in international climate change policy. He will focus on issues pertaining to climate change mitigation and adaptation, international relations, energy industries, just transitioning, and climate justice, examining how these are framed by and shape social ties between Global North and South governments, NGOs, researchers, activists, and fossil fuel, renewable, and other energy industry actors.