Congratulations to UBC Sociology PhD Candidates Adam Vanzella-Yang and Max Chewinski who have both been awarded SSHRC funding for their post-doctoral research.
Adam Vanzella-Yang
Adam Yang will draw upon longitudinal data linked to administrative records to investigate the role of childhood mental health in the transmission of socioeconomic (dis)advantages across generations. Vanzella-Yang will hold the fellowship at the University of Montreal’s School of Public Health (ESPUM) under the supervision of Dr. Sylvana Côté.
Max Chewinski
Max Chewinski’s research focuses on the catastrophic Mount Polley mining disaster to assess how contested science and trust shape public participation in environmental deliberations. His post-doctoral fellowship will be supervised by John Parkins in the Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology at the University of Alberta.
We are very excited for Adam and Max as they embark on this next phase of their research.